Obudowa V2 do VBar Neo Vstabi
Case for VBar NEO
For the 2nd hardware generation
04945/46 VBar NEO 6.1 Express (with antenna connectors on the main board)
04949/50 VBar NEO 6.1 Express NEO VLink (with antenna wires plugged in directly to the single pc board)
05054 VBar NEO VBasic
For the 1st hardware generation case item no. 05005 is required.
04945/46 VBar NEO 6.1 Express (without built-in receiver module, without antenna connectors on the main board)
04949/50 VBar NEO 6.1 Express NEO VLink (with built-in receiver module: two pc boards inside)
You can identify devices of the 2nd generation in 'My Devices' at www.vstab.info/devices, by the addition of (no VLink) or (VLink).
Devices of the 1st generation do not yet have that addition yet.
The change took place around serial no. 20007500, from here on please check for the addition and the internals (s. above).